Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Surfin' USA

On Labor Day we went to the beach. After twenty minutes trying to find parking and twenty minutes of my hubby surfing we turned around and went home.
The fin on his board smacked the top of his foot, he thought it was bruised so kept surfing. As it continued to ache, he glanced down at it and saw a big gaping hole in his foot that starting between his big toe and second toe stretching about half way up his foot (chumming the waters a bit wasn't he).
Ocean water and sand aren't what I would like to rub all over a cut. It looked so very pretty by the time he finally made it to the life guard tower (where they used a hose to clean it- those were highly trained people, I must say). :)
After the emergency room visit, he came home with ten stitches and crutches. My very own tiny Tim. He's taken it like a man though. No pain meds- it must be a guy thing... I'd be popping pills with every ache.


lori and clark remington said...

Ouch! Dylan did the same thing this summer...but lucky for him he did only bruise his foot. It was a nasty bruise though...I'm glad it wasn't an emergency room visit for us.

Mike Brunson said...

I was run over by a surfer once, it wasn't fun!