Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So a couple weeks ago I saw that I had FOUR whole followers. And as pathetic as it sounds, the fact that four different people followed my blog really excited me. That explains why I was posting almost everyday. Gotta give the people what they want... all four of them.

This project, as cool as it will be (hopefully) has really slowed down my blogging. I keep looking things up since it is way out of my comfort zone. I pretty much haven't worked with ANY of the materials I am attempting to use (except paint- if I ever get that far). It's starting to take up so much of my thoughts and spare moments -not doing it mind you, just studying it- that I dont even take the pics off my camera. (I promise to get memorial day pics on tomorrow- probably).

I need some supplies- so I am at a stand still. But I will give you more answers...
Scott and Amber were right with the Halloween guesses. Tim is CRAZY for Halloween. With two little boys, and a very detailed project I am starting way in advance to assure finishing in time. I really hope it isn't a FAIL. Especially now that my loyal four followers have heard all about it. lol. Scott was also right in thinking it to be a head to a costume. Right now I am working on how in the world I am going to make it secure to a persons head and not wobble all over the place. I have some sketches, but nothing solid.

Here are some of the future materials needed:
styrofaom balls
more paper mache crap (BORING)
foam core board
tag board
and the big clue item... (drum roll)... FUR!


Brittany@Love Stitched said...

is it going to be a "where the wild things are" monster head?

That is the only thing I could think of with a big head and fur...LOL

P.S. - I am one of your LOYAL followers!! I love when you blog!! <3

Amber said...

Hmm... Fur totally throws off my pumpkin idea. Now it is starting to sound like an animal head. You could try putting long foam blocks on the inside so it rest on the top of a person's head (sort of like a bike helmet). That's how they secure the Mardi Gras big head costumes.